Recreation Therapy
Maintains the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of clients. We assess each of our clients to determine the best method of service delivery to ensure greater community independence, community mobility, community reintegration, safety awareness, community resources, peer support, and leisure understanding and exploration
Empowering individuals with disabilities, older adults, and those facing mental health challenges to lead fulfilling lives through personalized and compassionate therapies, tailored to their unique needs and goals.

Feedback & Reviews

I.D.E.A.L. stands behind their mission of inclusion. They helped me understand my disability and engaged me in community-based activities that I would have never attempted on my own.
John Brown
The therapist took the time to get to know my son and I. They used activities and treatments tailored just for him.
Avery Smith
My PTSD kept me from living life and being social. Therapists at I.D.E.A.L. helped me to find myself again and become more social and continue life in a more positive mindset.
Darryl Adelson

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